Getting pest Control Estimates

How many estimates Should You Get

Matt Pastore

When do you need to contact a pest control company If you have issues with any of the following: Indoor pest control: mice; Indoor pest control: bugs ;Indoor pest control: insects.

Your first contact with a pest control company may be through a salesman. A salesman is sent to sell you pest control services. Salesmen are ambitious and some have been known to tell customers that a specific service is necessary when none is required. Be sure he provides information about contracts and agreements you make with pest control companies. However, homeowners must buy pest control services wisely.

The following steps should be taken by homeowners to buy wisely:

  • Shop around for the best service at a reasonable price. Be sure to obtain three pest control estimates before making your decision.
  • If you do not know how to recognize pest infestation or damage, ask the salesman to show it to you. He must have evidence to recommend treatment to control the pests.
  • Have the salesman certify in writing on the estimate that the premise or structure is infested with a specific pest and that a treatment is required.
  • Get opinions from two or more pest control firms and get a pest control estimate from each before deciding on expensive and extensive treatments.
  • Read the proposed contracts carefully so you know exactly what the company will do and guarantee. Ask the salesman to interpret parts that you do not understand.
  • Check with the Better Business Bureau to be certain the company has a clean record.

By following these procedures you are more likely to buy the services you need and want.

Remember – Consumers should obtain inspections and cost estimates from at least two or more licensed companies, and compare their written proposals and contract terms. You should also try to find referrals from someone who has had work done already, then look at the guarantee offered.

By obtaining several estimates you can compare the sketches or diagrams (which should indicate the location of infestations), contract terms, and cost estimates should be a good guide in determining whom to hire. Have the companies answer the following questions: what pests did they find, where did they find them, how do they propose to get rid of them, and what will it cost.